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Sunday, 28 Jul, 2024
Home > Real Estate > Classified Details
Classified Details Land for Sale Area 1225Sqm | Land - For Sale
  • ID: FS11511
  • Location: Lebanon / Jbeil / Bejje
  • Classified Photos
    Price: USD 75,000 Area m2: 1225 m2
    Description: Land for Sale Ain Kfaa Jbeil Area 1225 Sqm. The town of Ain Kfaa from the judicial capital is the city of Byblos about 17 kilometers away from the capital Beirut 52 kilometers and rises from the sea about 380 meters. Is adjacent to the border with the following villages and towns (Bejjeh- Maad – Ghalboun). The property is newly furnished and beautiful overlooking a wonderful mountain view a little downhill road Property ID PL#0255 Price $75,000 / Cash Only Property Type Land Property status For Sale Land area 1,225 m2 Label Sale Zone 25% -50% h9met Cell 70.267686
    Address: Ain Kfaa, Mount Lebanon Governorate, Lebanon
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    Construction on Land: 25% -50%
    Contact Details
    Phone: 70267686 E-mail:
    Firm: Byblos Estate
    Contact: Raymond Azar
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