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Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024
Home > Real Estate > Classified Details
Classified Details Land for Sale Area 802Sqm | Land - For Sale
  • ID: FS11488
  • Location: Lebanon / Jbeil / Lehfed
  • Classified Photos
    Price: USD 75,000 Area m2: 802 m2
    Description: Land for Sale Lehfed Jbeil Area 802Sqm. It is about 22 kilometers from the city of Byblos, Aamchit about 19 kilometers away from Aannaya, where the monastery and the sanctuary of St. Charbel are about 10 kilometers up, about 1000 meters above sea level. The property has a rocky nature with a side road, a temple, a road next to it, a temple and electricity. The view can not be obscured. Villas Area. Property ID PL#0258 Price $75,000 / Cash Only Property Type Land Property status For Sale Land area 802 m2 Label Sale Zone ( UR3 ) 15% - 30% h7.50+1met
    Address: Lehfed, Mount Lebanon Governorate, Lebanon
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    Construction on Land: ( UR3 ) 15-30% h7.50+1met
    Contact Details
    Phone: 70267686 E-mail:
    Firm: Byblos Estate
    Contact: Raymond Azar
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